Having specialized in the appraisal of agricultural and rural real estate for 25 years, including the valuation of hundreds of agricultural and rural properties across Saskatchewan and Manitoba,
Crown Appraisals offers commercial real estate appraisals, business valuations, and Accredited Appraisers (AACIs).
We provide data driven industrial appraisals for fair property assessments, loan valuation and estate purposes. Crown Appraisals appraises commercial, warehouse and industrial buildings from a few thousand to over one million square feet.
Subdivision developments of raw land, Schools and hospital, Churches, Easements & surface rights valuations, Valuation day appraisal, Insurance appraisals, Leased land appraisal, Special projects (mass appraisals)
Unlike most other real estate appraisal firms who work only for banks and mortgage companies, our firm specializes in providing home appraisals for a variety of personal, legal, and tax-related uses.